Eta Kappa Nu or IEEE-HKN is the international honor society of IEEE, and was founded in 1904 by Maurice L. Carr and nine fellow students at the University of Illinois (UIUC). The organization aims to promote excellence in education and in the profession and help its members develop professional and technical skills.
Purdue is home to the second HKN chapter, the Beta Chapter, which was founded in 1905. Beta chapter is consistently recognized for chapter excellence and is one of the most active chapters in the world. Members are committed to scholarly excellence, volunteering in their communities, and brightening the lives of their fellow students and peers.
Learn More about Beta ChapterMany know Beta chapter for the HKN Lounge in BHEE 24, which provides cheap coffee and snacks, and a place to study, recharge, and socialize. We are constantly hosting social, volunteering, and networking events, and members reap a significant benefit in being able to enjoy exclusive events and tap curated industry connections.
Learn More about the HKN LoungeBeta Chapter is driven by committee. Our Executive Committee works to guide us to success. Our several other committees and dedicated members make everything happen, from maintaining the lounge, to organizing new opportunities and events. Each provides an excellent opportunity for leadership and benefiting on our communities.
HKN is constantly working to expand our volunteering and mentorship outreach. We now offer a help room for both ECE 2K2 and 270. As this is a recent addition, we are working with the department to cultivate an ECE-based Student Instruction-style helproom where HKN members can mentor those entering the field of ECE.
Learn More about our Student ServicesMembership to HKN is by invitation only. To be eligible to join, you must be among the top students of your undergraduate class or have completed at least one semester of graduate studies.
If you have been invited to join, congratulations! It is a testament to your hard work regardless of your decision to join. We hope to meet you and welcome you to HKN!
Learn More about Joining