Who is eligible to join HKN?
Membership in HKN is limited to the top third of seniors, the top fourth of juniors, and the top fifth of sophomores. Graduate students are also eligible for membership, beginning in their second semester of graduate study.
If I am eligible for membership in HKN, how can I join?
Eligible members will receive an invitation to attend the HKN callout for more information on the Membership Process. Invitations are sent within the first few weeks of the Fall and Spring semesters.
What is the Membership Process?
The Membership Process is a set of requirements that HKN Candidates must complete in order to be inducted as full, active members of Eta Kappa Nu. These requirements mirror those of active members, so the Membership Process helps Candidates understand and start to learn the responsibilities of HKN active members. They also serve as a method for Candidates to meet and mingle with active members, becoming integrated into the HKN community!
What is an HKN Candidate?
A Candidate is a student eligible for membership in HKN who has decided to pursue active membership in HKN by completing the Membership Process. Candidates have not been officially inducted into HKN yet.
What is an HKN active member?
An active member, or "active", is someone who has already been inducted into HKN and is an official member.
When do Candidates become actives?
Candidates become active members of HKN once they complete the Membership Process and are inducted into the organization. The induction ceremony typically takes place towards the end of the semester, and all requirements of the Membership Process must be completed by then.